(13.02.2015 / rkj)

Metsä Group signs letters of intent for bioproduct mill's main equipment deliveries

Metsä Fibre signed letters of intent with Valmet Corporation and Andritz Oy to provide the main equipment deliveries for the Äänekoski bioproduct mill. If the prerequisites for the investment are met, the decision on the construction of Metsä Fibre's planned bioproduct mill in Äänekoski will be made this spring.

 Final delivery contracts will be signed if Metsä Fibre decides to go ahead with construction of the mill.

The letter of intent with Valmet covers the bioproduct mill's recovery boiler, pulp drying line, lime kiln and bark gasification plant, as well as the mill's automation system. According to the letter of intent with Andritz, the company will deliver the bioproduct mill's fibre line, wood processing plant, evaporation plant, and recausticising plant.

“The design of the bioproduct mill has progressed according to plan and we have now chosen the main equipment suppliers, which is one of the criteria for making the investment,” says Ilkka Hämälä, CEO of Metsä Fibre.

According to the letters of intent, the domestic content of the main equipment procurements for the bioproduct mill is quite considerable, about 70 per cent.