(19.08.2014 / sha)

Study: French hold on to paper

A French study commissioned by Le Syndicat de la Presse Sociale and done by the research group Seprem, revealed that print is used by the majority (59%) of the French when the content needs thorough understanding.

Whereas online channels are used for the quick and fast access of facts (75%). For the survey, 1 165 people from 16 to 65 years were interviewed and it turned out, that most do still read printed newspaper on a regular basis and also prefer paper as a means to save information (40%). This is surprising given the already high level of penetration of smartphones (67%) and tablets (35%).

The members of SPS, representing about 170 publications in France, were also asked about their preferences. They (40%) believe that a mix of electronic and paper-based communication would be the most effective.