(31.01.2014 / sha)

UPM: Gold Class distinction by a major investment specialist

UPM has been selected in the RobecoSAM’s annual Sustainability Yearbook with a Gold Class distinction. In the Forest industry UPM and Fibria are the only companies in the world awarded with the Gold Class distinction.


The Sustainability Yearbook lists world’s sustainability leaders and ranks companies into gold, silver and bronze class on the basis of their performance in the RobecoSAM’s Annual Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA). The CSA is an analysis of economic, environmental and social performance of the world's leading companies assessing issues covering climate change strategies, supply chain standards, labor practices, corporate governance and risk management.

“The Gold Class distinction is a result from our good performance in the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI),” says Päivi Salpakivi-Salomaa, Vice President, Environment and Responsibility, UPM. “We have been assessed as the industry leader in environmental sustainability in the DJSI maintained by RobecoSAM for many years in a row. This is a result of our systematic work on resource efficiency, responsible forestry and sourcing and work safety.”