(15.01.2014 / sha)

Sappi: CEO to step down due to ill-health

It is with deep regret that the board of directors of Sappi Limited announced that the CEO of the company, Ralph Boëttger, will be relinquishing his position as CEO and director on 30 June 2014.


Ralph, who has been with Sappi as CEO for almost 7 years, has been diagnosed with a serious illness and has taken the decision to step down: “I deeply regret having to make this decision at this time as I am convinced that Sappi stands on the cusp of a period of strong performance and exciting growth. However, I believe that spending my time with my family has become the priority and that it is in the best interest of the company and of my family for me to step down as announced I would like to thank Dr Cronjé, the board of Sappi and every single employee for their support and dedication in re-positioning Sappi for a great future.”

Dr Danie Cronjé, Chairman of the board of Sappi Limited, said: “I personally and on behalf of the board and everyone at Sappi, express our heartfelt thanks to Ralph for the sterling work he has done in leading Sappi through a particularly challenging period in the company’s proud history. Under Ralph’s leadership the group has been transformed."

A process is in place to identify Ralph’s successor and to allow for a timeous and smooth hand-over.