(08.10.2013 / sha)

Sappi Maastricht: Improved non-contact drying saves 50% gas

Since autumn 2012, SAPPI Maastricht has been using the energy-efficient Voith qDry Pro concept for non-contact drying. Peter Pijpers, Manager of Process Technology and Engineering at Sappi Maastricht, is delighted with the increase of energy efficiency: "Almost directly after start-up, the savings were visible, and after only a few weeks, the savings exceeded our expectations." The gas savings amount to approx. 50%.


To avoid deposits on the turning rolls after the last applicator unit and hence color defects on the paper, the turning rolls were replaced with an HCB-Turn. The HCB-Turn allows contactless web turning, while ensuring
energy-efficient hot air drying of the coated web at the same time. Broke has been reduced thanks to this rebuild. Moreover, the HCB-Turn allows higher final moisture while maintaining coating quality.

At the same time, the energy savings mentioned above were made possible by the qDry Pro concept, a combination of the HCB-Turn with the existing Voith InfraAir infrared dryers: The infrared dryers were modified
and thermically connected to the HCB dryer. Thus, the HCB-Turn is now heated completely by the waste heat of the infrared dryers.