(08.10.2013 / sha)

Georgia-Pacific: CEO joins Board of Sustainable Forestry Initiative

Three leaders have been elected to the independent Sustainable Forestry Initiative Inc. (SFI) Board of Directors, to fill positions in each of its three chambers, Environmental, Social and Economic. Amongst them: James Hannan, CEO and President of Georgia-Pacific


“SFI will benefit enormously from the wisdom, perspective and passion these leaders bring to our Board of Directors,” SFI President and CEO Kathy Abusow said. “By representing broad-ranging and balanced stakeholder interests, Bob Matters, Jonathan Haufler, and Jim Hannan will help continue the momentum SFI has built to ensure healthy, thriving forests for generations to come.”

“As someone who has represented workers’ interests nearly all my life, I’m pleased to join the SFI Board to work with progressives who are striving to ensure that renewable forest products come from well-managed sources of supply,” said Bob Matters, Chair of the United Steelworkers Wood Council. “Working families and communities across North America depend on forests, and we all need to work together to ensure the health and future of our forests.”

“I’ve followed SFI as it grew into a highly credible system for assuring sound and publicly supported forest management,” said Jonathan Haufler, President-Elect of The Wildlife Society. “I’m pleased to have this opportunity to assist in maintaining the quality and integrity of the SFI program as it continues to adapt and adjust to new information and new challenges.”

“I have great respect and appreciation for the work SFI does to promote responsible forest management and sustainable forestry,” said James Hannan, CEO and President of Georgia-Pacific. “All of us who depend on the future of our forests need to continue to work together to achieve our shared goals, and I am pleased to play a role in that crucial process.”