(27.09.2013 / sha)

European paper industry welcomes new EU Forest Strategy

The Confederation of European Paper Industries (CEPI) welcomes the adoption of the new EU Forest Strategy by the European Commission. Most importantly, the Strategy will support the paper industry’s contribution to the European bio-based economy, as it comprises wood mobilisation as well as the “cascade” principle for wood use.



“The Forest Strategy will enable the full benefits of sustainable forest management in Europe at a time where the European paper industry is becoming a key contributor to the bio-based economy. It will help coordinate Member States and Commission acivities related to forests, while increasingly relying on wood as a valuable raw material”, commented Teresa Presas, CEPI Director General.

CEPI welcomes several key points listed in the Strategy, notably (1) promoting the use of wood, (2) facilitating wood mobilisation, and (3) conveying a focus on research and innovation in the forest sector. Each of these areas are important to the competitiveness of the European paper industry as wood is a critical raw material for them.

Moreover, CEPI highly appreciates the reference to the “cascade” principle of wood use, which will help the EU use its wood more effectively. Furthermore, its inclusion shows that the Commission gives prominence to the creation of value and jobs in a strategic industry sector in Europe.