(12.02.2024 / sbr)

The air is out - and that's a good thing!

The teams from Kanzan and GAW technologies recently started-up the new working stations for the curtain coater including deaeration. Kanzan belongs to the Oji Group, one of the largest paper producers in Japan, and is one of the experts in the area of thermal and inkjet paper. At the Düren (Germany) location, the company employs around 300 people and produces on one paper machine and two coating machines with working widths of 3.20 m. The speed for a weight range of 40 - 180 g/m2 is 850m/min.

A central core of production is the colour preparation where the highly complex coating colours are produced. Many years of experience and innovative strength in this area contribute to the current position in innovation and quality.

GAW technologies is proud to have counted Kanzan among its customers for many years and has already built several systems at the Düren plant. Like recently, the new working stations for the Bellmer Curtain Coater. The coating colour is successfully deaerated by a total of three GAW Airvacs and filtered by the ECO-R filter. A cooling water treatment system also supplies the curtain coater tub with cooling water. During commissioning in December 2023, the customer staff was also instructed in operating the plant.

Stephan Weber, project manager GAW: “A particular challenge was the difficulty of the height ratio and conditions as well as the extremely constricted room. The assembly and start-up were partly carried out while the coating machine was in operation.”

Michael Kandler (Supervisor / Start-up Engineer) and Philipp Ebner (Electrical Engineering / Start-up) from GAW adds: “We were able to successfully complete the assembly and commissioning in excellent coordination with the customer and the electrical/pneumatic companies while the coating machine was partially in operation and all of that in a very small space. From the beginning, Kanzan and GAW were on the same page and pulled together. It was a pleasure to supervise this project on site and to realize it together with the customer’s team.”

And last but not least a quote from the customer: “The Kanzan team would like to thank the experts at GAW for the very good and cooperative collaboration!”