(20.02.2019 / sbr)

Valmet to supply cooking, fiberline and recausticizing technology, as well as a new lime kiln to Naini Papers in India

Valmet has been selected to deliver the key process technology for a new cooking, fiberline and recausticizing plant, as well as a new lime kiln, at Naini Papers' mill in India. The new plant is expected to produce approximately 100,000 tons bleached hardwood pulp per year, and start-up is scheduled by the end of the first quarter in 2020.

The fiberline order was included in Valmet's fourth quarter 2018 orders received and the lime kiln order is included in Valmet's first quarter 2019 orders received. The value of the orders is not disclosed. Typically, the value of these kinds of projects is around EUR 20-25 million.

"Our aim with this project is to have a modern and environmentally friendly fiberline that will give us both low effluents and low operating costs. Valmet's fiberline and lime kiln meet these expectations," says Pawan Agarwal, Managing Director at Naini Papers.

From Valmet's viewpoint, NK Jain, Sales Director, Asia-Pacific Pulp & Energy, explains that there are several important factors that led to Naini selecting Valmet. "In this project we are able to utilize our strong presence in India, our local supply and our state-of-the-art TwinRoll press technology. These advantages helped us earn the customer's trust as a reliable and experienced leader in pulping processes."

Information about Valmet's delivery

The batch cooking and fiberline delivery includes a digester plant consisting of three conical bottom digesters, and a fiberline comprised of seven Valmet TwinRoll presses, screen room, MC pumps, mixers and tower scrapers, as well as the basic engineering and site services. The recausticizing delivery also includes one OptiDisc(TM) WL.

The new long wet lime kiln has a design capacity of 200 tons per day, with a chain system for drying of the lime mud inside the kiln. The kiln will be supplied with a burner system designed for either firing producer gas in combination with furnace oil or alternatively firing 100% furnace oil. The producer gas is a low temperature, low grade gas produced in a coal gasifier.