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  Contact www.ipwonline.de Imprint January 20

Dear ipw reader,

below please find  a selection of recent news from our websites, ipw (ipwonline.de) and bio-fibre (bio-fibre.eu). We are currently finishing up our first issue of bio-fibre in 2015 in time for the World Bio Markets Conference in Amsterdam early March.
We are also working on our ipw annual outlook and Tissue issue for the Tissue World Event in Barcelona.

We look forward to seeing you at these events (and reporting on them for you)!

Inken Schoenauer, our new editor in chief is headed to Davos for the World Economic Forum today, and looks forward to hearing from you next week. (For press release, please click here.)

If you have not yet received a questionnaire for our annual outlook issue or have editorial content for our next issues, please contact us immediately at edit@ipwonline.de. For advertising, please contact Jean-Pierre Ferreira (jpf@ipwonline.de) or our office at info@ipwonline.de for any other enquiries!

Wishing you all the best for 2015,

your ipw team

PS: For a complete editorial calendar, please click here.

Henri Vermeulen takes on ERPC chairmanship

The European Recovered Paper Council (ERPC) is pleased to announce the appointment of Henri Vermeulen as chairman, taking over from Beatrice Klose (Intergraf). Mr Vermeulen is Vice President Paper for Recycling of the Smurfit Kappa Group and represents CEPI in the EPRC. His ERPC chairmanship began on 1 January 2015 and he will remain in this position until the end of 2016.
UPM closes 675,000 tonnes of publication paper capacity

Employee negotiations concluded in Finland and the UK – UPM permanently closes down paper machine 2 at UPM Kaukas and paper machine 5 at UPM Jämsänkoski in Finland, along with paper machine 1 at the UPM Shotton mill in the UK. Production will be ceased by the end of March 2015 at the latest.
TOSCOTEC to rebuild PM4 Tissue Machine at Van Houtum - The Netherlands

Toscotec has been awarded a contract to deliver a dry end rebuilding of the Van Houtum B.V. PM 4 tissue machine in Swalmen, The Netherlands. The start-up of the rebuilt machine is scheduled for the third quarter of 2015.
Stora Enso’s NRI in fourth quarter 2014 have EUR 225 million negative impact on operating profit

Stora Enso will record non-recurring items (NRI) with a negative net impact of approximately EUR 225 million on operating profit and a positive impact of approximately EUR 53 million on income tax in its fourth quarter 2014 results. The NRI will decrease earnings per share by EUR 0.22.
Valmet acquires Process Automation Systems business from Metso

The goal is for Valmet to becomes a stronger, more stable and more profitable as a result of the acquisition. Valmet and Metso have signed an agreement on the sale of Metso's Process Automation Systems business to Valmet on January 15, 2015. The enterprise value of the acquisition is EUR 340 million
Valmet Advantage DCT tissue line starts up at Syktyvkar Tissue Group in Russia

A Valmet-supplied tissue line recently started up at Syktyvkar Tissue Group's new site in Semibratovo, Yaroslavl region, Russia. The new Advantage DCT 100HS machine adds 30,000 tons of tissue per year to the company's current production of bathroom tissue, napkin and towel grades.
Petri Helsky appointed CEO of Metsä Tissue Corporation

Petri Helsky, M.Sc (Chem. Eng.), M.Sc (Econ), 48, has been appointed CEO of Metsä Tissue Corporation. He will start in his new position and as a member of Metsä Group’s Executive Management Team latest on 1 July 2015.

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Enhanced Filter Performance thanks to Viscose Speciality Fibres from Kelheim

At the world’s biggest filtration event, the FILTECH conference and exhibition, Dr. Philipp Wimmer from the R&D team of the German viscose speciality fibre manufacturer Kelheim Fibres will present a paper on how beer can be filtered in an environmentally friendly manner by using sustainable viscose speciality fibres and avoiding the use of potentially hazardous diatomite.
UPM Lappeenranta Biorefinery is in commercial production

The world’s first wood-based renewable diesel biorefinery has started commercial production in Lappeenranta, Finland. UPM Lappeenranta Biorefinery is based on a hydrotreatment process developed by UPM, and produces approximately 120 million litres of renewable UPM BioVerno diesel yearly.


UPM Industry Leader with Gold Class Distinction in RobecoSAM’s sustainability assessment

UPM has received Industry Leader position with Gold Class Distinction in the RobecoSAM’s annual Sustainability Yearbook.

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