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  Contact www.ipwonline.de Imprint September 02

Susanne Haase
Dear ipw reader,

once again, new EU regulations are kicking up some dust!

From now on, vacuum cleaners sold in EU markets must not be endowed with more than 1,600 watts, and only 900 watt in three years’ time. This ban has already caused quite a stir: in the UK, for example, retailers like Tesco were reporting a 40% spike in sales from consumers wanting a powerful model before they disappear. Furthermore, media are overflowing with scathing remarks.

What does this have to do with paper? This regulation is part of EU’s action plan to fight climate change. And the willingness and ability to put such a plan into operation is an essential building block for this industry’s future. If the pulp and paper industry wants to be an important enabler of the bio economy, the EU has to be successful in getting there.

And: It has to make sure that people are willing to come along.

Will people really 'buy into' helping stem-off climate change when a lot of energy is seemingly wasted looking at odds and ends? And would it not be better to focus on promoting energy-saving options rather than on prohibitive action?


MIAC 2014

BillerudKorsnäs: Investing in Frövi and Rockhammar mills

The BillerudKorsnäs Board of Directors has approved an investment of approximately SEK 900 million (about EUR 100 million) in the Frövi and Rockhammar mills. The investment targets increased capacity and improved quality of the output cartonboard and liquid packaging board.
EU: Kicking up dust to tackle climate change

Since September 1, vacuum cleaners in the EU have to abide by a new set of minimum requirements. According to the EU, new rules will save 19 terawatt-hour per year by 2020, which is the electricity produced by more than fore power plants or consumed by 5.5 million households.
YFY: Boosting capacity with new Toscotec tissue line

Toscotec will supply a complete tissue production line to the Taiwanese based Company Yuen Foong Yu (YFY).The tissue line will be installed in Ching-Shui mill located in Qingshui District and start up is planned for the last quarter of 2015.
Voith: Improved polyurethane roll cover

Voith’s new InForce polyurethane roll cover features high stability providing additional void volume with particularly deep and wide grooves for highly loaded positions. This additional benefit will not compromise the wear and abrasion resistance resulting into consistent dewatering during its complete operating cycle.
ABB: Introducing new HDI 9 Web Imaging System

ABB has launched a new web imaging system for paper industry web inspection and quality control: the HDI 9 Web Imaging System. Combined with state-of-the-art High Speed Cameras (HSC) and signal processing technology, it offers a new generation of imaging hardware and software to improve performance, speed to capture and to provide an unprecedented level of defect detection on the fastest and widest modern paper machines.
Stora Enso: Group Leadership Team with new members

Stora Enso is dividing the current Printing and Living Division into two separate Divisions in line with the existing segment reporting: Printing and Reading, and Building and Living. To further strengthen the focus on communication and responsibility, the current Global Identity function will be split into two entities: Global Communications and Global Responsibility.
ENCE: Under review for downgrade by Moody's

Moody's Investors Service placed under review for downgrade ENCE Energia y Celulosa's Ba3 Corporate Family Rating (CFR), the Ba3-PD Probability of Default Rating (PDR) and the B1 rating on the company's senior secured bonds.
Cepac: Supplied with Chalmers DST tester

Cepac at Rotherham have just taken delivery of a Chalmers DST tester to measure the md torsional stiffness of their products. This innovative device from Korutest will bring a new dimension to their board manufacture regime and help Cepac remain at the forefront of corrugated box quality and performance.
Valmet: Repeat tissue line order from Aktül Kagit Üretim Pazarlama, Turkey

Valmet will supply the second tissue production line to Aktül Kagit Üretim Pazarlama A.S., Turkey. The new Advantage DCT 200 tissue line will be installed at the company's mill in Pamukova, Sakarya Province, Turkey. The start-up is planned for the first quarter of 2016.
Andritz: Simulation technologies for Klabin’s pulp mill project, Brazil

Andritz Automation received an order to supply dynamic simulation solutions for Klabin’s Puma pulp mill project in Ortigueira, Paraná, Brazil. The scope of supply encompasses the simulation models, DCS checkout, and Operator Training Simulator (OTS).
Voith: New virgin pulp rotor reduces energy consumption by up to 30%

Voith has brought a new IPV Rotor for virgin pulp onto the market. The new component has already proven itself for some months under mill conditions and shows its strengths here: energy consumption of the new rotor can be up to 30% less than that of conventional technologies.
Andritz: Continuous cooking system and fiberline equipment to Resolute Forest Products, US

Andritz received an order from Resolute Forest Products to supply equipment, engineering, and field services for a new Lo-Solids continuous digester including Andritz’s patented TurboFeed chip feeding system, which will replace an existing displacement batch pulping process at Resolute’s Calhoun pulp mill, Tennessee, USA.
EFPRO/CEPI: Open call for young researchers

The very positive responses to last year’s 2nd joint EFPRO - CEPI Early Stage Researcher Workshop motivated EFPRO and CEPI to again encourage young researchers to report on their R&D activities.
ABB: Order for electrification of world's largest pulp mill

ABB has received an order for the delivery of process electrification at the world's largest pulp mill to be built in South Sumatra, Indonesia. The delivery includes medium and low voltage switchgears, distribution transformers, motors, drives and project services.
Xerium: New plant in Corlu, Turkey

Xerium Technologies, Inc. announced a new rolls and mechanical services facility located in Çorlu, Turkey. The facility is under construction and expected to be in production Q1 2015.
Pöyry: EPCM services for Kemira sodium chlorate plant in Brazil

Kemira has awarded Pöyry with assignments for EPCM (Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management) services for the new sodium chlorate plant that Kemira is building to serve the Brazilian markets, and in particular the plant will serve Klabin SA's new 1.5 million t/y pulp mill.
SCA: Princess Victoria Godmother of all-female Team

SCA announced that Crown Princess Victoria is Godmother of the Team SCA crew and boat. The Crown Princess met with the all-female Team SCA in person recently at SCA’s headquarters in the Waterfront Building in Stockholm, discussing driving factors, challenges and possibilities for an all-female team in an around the world yacht race.
Ahlstrom: Changes in Executive Management Team

Ms. Ulla Bono, 44, Licentiate of Laws with court training, has been appointed Executive Vice President Legal, General Counsel and member of the Executive Management Team . She joined Ahlstrom in January 2014 as Vice President, Legal Affairs, General Counsel at Ahlstrom Corporation.