(02/08/2016 / rkj)

4th Darmstadt Paper Chemistry Colloquium

On May 20th, 2016 the 4th Darmstadt Paper Chemistry Colloquium is going to take place. This conference is aiming to be recognized as a platform for new developments and thought-provoking impulses on the chemistry of paper. The papers will be dealing with this year’s theme “Functionalisation of the Paper and Cellulose Surface - from fundamental chemistry to barrier applications”, coming from R&D facilities, institutes and from the industry as well. The purpose is combining actual research approaches with practical application studies.

The conference will take place in “Maschinenhaus” of the Technical University of Darmstadt, scientific conducted by Prof. Markus Biesalski, Head of the Chair for Macromolecular Chemistry and Paper Chemistry of TU Darmstadt. On the evening before, May 19th, participants and speakers are invited to a joined dinner at Restaurant “Sitte” in Darmstadt to get together.

The whole program, detailed info and the registration portal is on - menu item „DPK“