(08/04/2014 / sha)

UPM: Report on environmental performance

UPM has published the EU Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) statements for the year 2013. All data is verified by a third party.


“UPM’s environmental performance reporting is extremely comprehensive,” says Sami Lundgren, Director, Eco-labels and Reporting. “We have widened the EMAS scope to include also our non-European mills in China and Uruguay. We require the same environmental performance and transparency of operations from all our mills, despite the geographical location or country specific legal requirements. Our focus is on producing more with less energy, water and waste, and with lower carbon footprint,” he continues.

“Comprehensive EMAS scheme is a practical proof of UPM’s ‘More with Biofore’ thinking and vision. EMAS together with the investments at Pietarsaari and Kymi pulp mills in Finland clearly demonstrate our ambition for continuous improvement in reviewing our processes, finding better and safer ways of working and delivering environmentally sound products,” says Jaakko Sarantola, Senior Vice President, UPM Pulp Business.