(04/07/2014 / sha)

Valmet: New cooking plant to SCA's Obbola mill in Sweden

Valmet will supply SCA with a new CompactCooking G2 plant for its pulp and paper mill in Obbola, Sweden. The scope of supply includes a cooking plant, chip feeding system, auxiliary equipment, complete installation and start-up.


The cooking plant is the first stage in a chemical pulping line where lignin is separated from the fiber.
"The CompactCooking G2 possesses a simplified system compared to conventional cooking processes. Among other advantages it enables lower operation cost and flexibility, and improves productivity and availability," says Patrik Lidbäck, Sales Manager from Valmet. "Valmet and SCA Obbola have cooperated in several projects during the years, and we recently also agreed on the delivery of a mist eliminator for one of the evaporation units in the Obbola mill."

 The start-up of the cooking plant is planned for October 2015. The value of the order is about EUR 30 million.