(03/16/2014 / sha)

Russia: Lumber exports still suffering from export tariffs

Increases in Russian lumber exports have not compensated for the decline in log exports that came as the result the implementation of higher log export tariffs by Russia in 2007, reports the Wood Resource Quarterly.



The Russian log export tax that was implemented in 2007 resulted in a sharp decline of log exportation with the Russian share of globally traded logs falling from 44% in 2006 to 15% in 2013. During the same period, lumber exports have increased but shipments have not compensated for the decline in income from the log exports, according to the Wood Resource Quarterly.

With the decline in log exports from Russia, the country is no longer the leading source of logs in the world. In 2006, Russian softwood logs accounted for 44% of all logs traded in the world. By 2013, Russia had fallen behind both New Zealand and the US on the list of top log exporters in the world and Russian shipments only accounted for 15% of total global log trade.