(11/11/2013 / sha)

WBCSD: Promoting expansion of forest certification

The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) released a statementthat promotes the expansion of forest certification across the supply chain. The statement marked a significant step towards the growing trend of recognizing all credible forest certification programs as a proof point for responsible forestry.


The WBCSD Forest Solutions Group, led by 26 of the world’s leading companies along the forest products value chain responsible for nearly 40% of annual global forest, paper and packaging sales, said its members would work with stakeholders to spread sustainable forest management; support and promote the expansion of forest certification; set 2020 targets to increase the use of certification when sourcing forest products and fiber; and grow markets for certified forest products.

The WBCSD statement specifically “recognizes and supports the assurance of management performance and fiber flows provided by the following independent forest certification and associated chain-of-custody systems: the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) and the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI).”

“The WBCSD Forest Solutions Group’s leadership statement calls on all stakeholders to join forces to innovate and grow markets for sustainably-produced forest products. Approaches to expand, reach and impact of existing certification standards should better address the needs of small forest owners, community forestry, indigenous peoples and agroforestry operators,” said James Griffiths, Managing Director at the WBCSD.