(10/08/2013 / sha)

UPM: Fray Bentos mill allowed to increase production

The State of Uruguay has granted permission for UPM Fray Bentos mill to increase its annual pulp production from the current 1.1 million to 1.2 million tonnes.

“The decision demonstrates the State of Uruguay’s continuing support to the development of the forestry sector in Uruguay” says Jaakko Sarantola, Senior Vice President of UPM’s Pulp Business.

UPM Fray Bentos will now immediately continue pulp production after the annual maintenance shutdown. Due to the efficiency and productivity of the mill, the production increase can be realised without additional investments in the production processes. However, UPM is expected to invest in a cooling system for the mill’s effluent water.

“The productivity has increased as a result of focused and professional work of the Uruguayan team throughout the whole forestry value chain. Since the start-up of the operations, the mill’s environmental performance has been excellent and UPM continues respecting the authorized permit limits”, says Sarantola.