(09/20/2013 / sha)

Metso: Automation voted "Top supplier" for pulp and paper industry

Metso's automation business has been recognized by the Brazilian Pulp and Paper Technical Association (ABTCP) with the award of "Top supplier of automation for the pulp and paper industry". The voting phase included professionals from the sector and a strict technical evaluation of the candidates.


The awards, regarded as the most prestigious in the pulp and paper segment in Brazil, have been organized by ABTCP for the past 12 years. This is the eighth consecutive year that Metso has won the automation category. The presentation ceremony will take place on Wednesday, October 9, in São Paulo.

"This award is granted to Metso in recognition of its commitment and investments on the technological development and services for the pulp and paper customers and its collaboration to the sustainable growth of Brazil", says Marcelo Motti, Metso Vice President for Automation in South America. "Metso solutions and services help to meet our customers' needs, improving production process efficiency and reducing raw material and energy consumption where resources are becoming limited, as well as meeting the increasing challenges in the operational cost chain."