(10/07/2020 / sbr)

Marco Esper becomes new Managing Director at Heimbach

Since October 1st, 2020, Marco Esper has joined the Management Board of Heimbach GmbH. After a successful introduction period, at the latest as of January 1st, 2021, he will take over the chairmanship of the Management Board as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and head the Heimbach Group's largest business unit Paper Machine Clothing (PMC) with the highest turnover.

Marco Esper was most recently responsible for the Products & Services Division at Voith Paper and a member of the Management Board of the Voith Paper Group Division.

The current Speaker of the Management Board, Peter Michels, will retire at the end of the year after 25 successful years as Managing Director. The areas of responsibility of the two remaining Managing Directors, Werner Dilly (Finance) and Dr. Ralf Kaldenhoff for the Technical Textiles Division, remain unchanged.