(06/26/2019 / sbr)

A Picture of the European Graphic Industry

Intergraf’s Economic Report ‘The Evolution of the European Graphic Industry’ provides extensive economic information about the European graphic industry. It shows historical developments of turnover, as well as the number of companies and employees, and also comparisons between countries. It also provides data on the production of printed products in the European Union and trade with key international trade partners. Furthermore, it gives highlights about the economic development of sectors which are relevant to the graphic industry, including paper, ink, press, energy and postal markets.

In addition, the report features forecasts up to 2023 from Intergraf’s partner research institute Smithers Pira, as well as country reports from Intergraf’s member federations. You can access more information and view sample pages of the 2019 edition here. The report can be ordered from the same link.