(06/18/2018 / rkj)

Valmet launches a digital collaboration space - Valmet Customer Portal

Valmet is launching a unique digital space for continuous collaboration and real-time sharing of information with customers. The Valmet Customer Portal is a collaboration space that brings Valmet's expertise and online services into one platform to make working together with customers easier and more transparent than ever before.

The Valmet Customer Portal allows customers and Valmet's experts to collaborate, share information and innovate together in real time. The online services, functionalities and usability of the portal have been developed together with customers to provide useful, personalized content. 

"We have developed the portal in close cooperation with our customers from the very beginning. It is a collaboration space that truly responds to our customers' needs and brings a totally new dimension to our co-operation," says Petri Lakka, Vice President, Services Development at Valmet. 

Based on a long-term relationship and the importance of strengthening our cooperation, Klabin S.A. has been one of the customers participating in the development and piloting phase of the portal. "We are really interested to take part in projects like this where modern technology supports daily collaboration between the experts. Today, the efficient information sharing, the smart usage of operational data and the common target settings are at the core of successful cooperation already. We expect that the portal will not only support us in these areas, but brings possibilities for further innovation as well. We have high expectations for the functionalities in practice," say Sadi Oliveira, Mill Director and Leandro Laube, Mill Maintenance Manager from Klabin Ortigueira Mill.

Content of the portal

The content in the Valmet Customer Portal is personalized according to each user's profile and interests. Valmet is developing a total of nine services modules for the portal to support cooperation with customers - starting from the sales phase, through project deliveries, and all the way to daily reliability and performance services. The launch starts with the first four modules:  

Expert Fastlane helps customers to easily find answers to their issues and questions. Valmet's experts are always close to customers and easily accessible also through the portal.

Opportunities lets customers see the status of their development plan - the Shared Roadmap - with defined actions. The results of the actions can be monitored, and lessons learned and related new ideas can be shared. 

Learning gives customers the opportunity to build their teams' capabilities and competences. 

The Operations Panel is the customer's view to Valmet's Industrial Internet applications and services. Through dashboard views, customers can easily get the right information to monitor their operational KPIs and the progress of their business targets.